man-man(:the story of

superman! batman!
hey! how did they come in to my blog?????!!!!!!
lets have some fun with them=)
start my changing their name....
superman=noobman(: batman=blackman spiderman=cicakman ironman=taufuman
now lets start the story~~
one day...noobman(: was flying in the sky while cicakman was finding dirty food...cicakman found a line of taufu leading to a taufu lab...cicakman ate and ate into the lab..inside was taufuman and he was mad at cicakman for eating all his he shot cicakman into a dark hole..suddenly blackman cameout and was mad for destroying his hole..but he did not take it out on taufuman because they were friends..he took it out on cicakman the noobhai=)..noobman(: saw that taufuman and blackman was bulling cicakman and came to the rescueXD he use his laser eyes to burn them up...he could not control the laser eye and burn cicakman up as said to his so name oso so noob==suddenly!taufuman and blackman combine into one and turn into "BLACKTAUFU" lol...noobman(: said u can never beat me! ahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahxxxxxxxxXD..but the blacktaufu laugh back and said..u noob!u think u can stop me??!!even your name is noob with a stupid smile at the end of it! ahahaha.noobman(: said..the smile is not stupid its cool=) what am i tell on my blog???? is there even a living blacktaufu??????!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!! ok larh..let me just skip to the end...they all died=)the end(:(:(:
ohyeah...and (: are not stupid (: